Plan Ahead - Summer is Right Around the Corner

Feb 02, 2022
Man prepares dough for the oven

As I am writing this, the weather service is forecasting a dangerous “bomb cyclone Nor’easter for the East Coast. So why talk about heat illness now? 


Because even in extremely cold weather some work environments are dangerously hot year around. Either because of equipment or work processed, these work zones never cool off.

It could be the room where dough rises in a bakery, the furnace room in a commercial building, a food processing plant, a steel or aluminum smelting plant, or even the lower levels of a nuclear submarine. Regardless of where or why a work environment is excessively hot, workers in those zones must be afforded protection, according to OSHA.

This quote is from the OSHA’s website

“Under OSHA law, employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards. This includes protecting workers from extreme heat. An employer with workers exposed to high temperatures should establish a complete heat illness prevention program.”

Perhaps your work environments are not hot year around, but your workers do suffer from extreme heat in the summer. If you struggle with excessive workplace heat constantly, or intermittently, you still need to find ways to monitor and manage your workers exposure. And now is a great time to plan ahead.


HeatAlert™ Monitoring Stations are the best way to monitor all work environments for dangerous levels of heat. These monitoring stations work around the clock, measuring both the temperature and the humidity to calculate the actual heat index. When the index reaches a dangerous level, the monitoring devise displays either an amber or red strobe light to make the danger visible to all employees. It also sends an email to a supervisor that dangerous heat exists in a specific work zone.


Act now while the Nor’easter is bearing down on the East Coast because before you know it, spring will turn to summer and your employees will once again be threatened by dangerous workplace heat. If you install HeatAlert™ Monitoring Stations now you’ll be ready for next summer’s dangerous heat waves, if your heat problem is seasonal, and workers in environments that are hot year around, will be able to see when they are in danger.


OSHA inspectors are cracking down on excessive workplace heat, be prepared.

IceAlert, Inc.
20460 SW Avery Ct.
Suite B
Tualatin, OR 97062

Phone 503-692-6656
Toll Free 1-800-831-4551
Fax 503-692-6657

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